Summary Contact FrancaisDeutsch

24.03.2018 First little cross-country flight from Gustiberg !

Last modification: 25 March 2018
It's the first true little cross country flight of the year, from the Gustiberg takeoff. The conditions were challenging and technical: one had to survive in broken +0.5 m/s thermals before suddenly getting a +2/+3 m/s rocket to the base.

The beginning of the flight went well, I flew slowly but surely. The cloud base was around 1700/1800m to the Ballon d'Alsace and back.

Back at the Gustiberg, I crossed the valley to the Treh site. I arrive there quite low (below 900 m), but the Rise 3 is delightfull and very efficient in this small brocken thermals and the base is reached quite fast again !

At the end of the flight, I neglect some "+0,5 m/s" to increase my average speed, which results in lower altitude.
The consequence is that I end in the leeside of the Rothenbachkopf, were I get pushed down almost to the ground, I do not have any energy remaining to fight my way up.
I land in the first available area (perfect landing place). As soon as my wing is folded back in my bag, a car already stops to take back to the car. What a nice day !

Here is the gps track of the flight:
2D and 3D view.